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Объединение "ТЕАТРАЛЫ"

4 октября 2019 года учащиеся 11-х классов посетили спектакль "Портрет Дориана Грея" в Московском драматическом театре им. М.Н. Ермоловой. Девушкам понравился этот интересный спектакль со множеством интерактивных и музыкальных спецэффектов.

Потрясающий спектакль! Получила невероятные эмоции. Мерцающий экран с необычным портретом Дориана, камера, которая  следит за актерами, прекрасное пение артистов.Но главное здесь - даже не эффекты, а потрясающая игра актеров. Меньшиков настолько профессионально и удивительно передал характер персонажа, что уже даже не можешь представить кого-то другого на его месте.Он очень живой и ироничный. Однако Дориан Грей, которого играет Сергей Кемпо, ничуть не хуже. В его исполнении поражает перевоплощение, так как он играет двух разных людей, по ощущениям. В начале он-наивный юноша, а в конце- эгоист. Я абсолютно уверена, что это не может не вызвать эмоций у зрителя. Мне безумно понравилась постановка, всем советую. И,конечно же, хотелось бы сказать спасибо Елене Эдуардовне за предоставленную возможность увидеть такой фантастический спектакль!

The performance was awesome!  I received the incredible emotions.  Menshikov  so professionally and surprisingly conveyed the image of the character that you can’t even imagine someone else in his place. He is very lively and ironic. However, Dorian Gray, played by Sergey Kempo, is as good as Lord Henry.  In his performance, the transformation is striking because he plays two different people. At the beginning he is a naive young man and at the end he becomes an egoist.  I am absolutely sure that everyone has to attend this amazing performance. I really enjoyed the theatrical remake. And, of course, I would like to thank  Elena Eduardovna for the opportunity to see such a fantastic performance!


Daria Troshina

This Friday my class and our English teacher went to the Yermolova Theater to watch "The Picture of Dorian Grey". We enjoyed our time there a lot and were lucky enough to see the National artist, Oleg Menshikov. His acting of Henry Wotton was fantastic. Moreover, the scenery and the up-to-date effects impressed and inspired everyone to reread the book of Oscar Wilde. Besides, we believe our new experience will help us to write the Test in Literature better. All in all, we spend our time with pleasure.


Nastya Dokina

2013-2014 учебный год начался с посещения спектакля на английском языке "Educating Rita" в Московском академическом театре им. В.Маяковского

On November 30, a group of senior students – Jerry Akhmedova, Alina Gayastinova, Katya Gushchina, Katya Ivanova, Enge Marker, Anna Mikhailova, Yana Naftalieva, Leyla Pashaeva, Marina Soina - went to the Mayakovsky Theatre with their English teacher. And there would be nothing particularly unusual about it if the play was not in English! It was put on by the Moscow English theatre – yes, there is an English theatre in Moscow now. The performance was marvelous – brilliant acting, humorous dialogues, and – a lot of our active vocabulary used. It was a pleasant surprise for everyone that we could actually understand and enjoy a real English performance. So, good luck to the English theatre in Moscow! Hope to see you again soon!

Maria Altman

“I was really impressed with the acting! Just two actors on the stage for more than two hours, and they were so emotional and expressive. I have never seen anything like that before!”

Katya Gushchina

“The performance appealed to me greatly! And we were very glad that we understood a play in English! It was a great feeling to realize that our comprehension is good enough.”

Jerry Akhmedova

“In my opinion the play was really worth watching. Where else in Moscow could we have a chance to listen to live English speech? And is there a better way to test our language skills? And more than that, it was a great way to spend our spare time in a pleasant way.”

Katya Ivanova

“It was a spectacular performance! The humour was brilliant. The actors played their parts amazingly. We are so glad that we watched a great play in English.”

Yana Naftalieva

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